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Narada Bhakti Sutras - Sutra 84

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Narada Bhakti Sutras - Sutra 84
Yah Idam Narada Proktam Shivanushasanam Vishwasiti Shradhate Sa Bhaktiman Bhavate Sah Preshtham Labhate, Sah Preshtham Labhate Om Tat Sat

Essence: These aphorisms of love said by Narada are very auspicious. This knowledge can lift you up, can save you from misery and one who believes in them, has Shradha in them, will definitely realise the most beloved Divine. He will attain the highest goal in life. Narada says in the end, 'Have faith, go deep - you will definitely attain.' 'You will have it; soon you will have it - I PROMISE YOU'.